Industries have long used Duraline welding preheat treating systems, and the technology has been a success in industrial and construction welding applications for over 65 Years, including refineries, petrochemical, pipeline, structural, shipbuilding, pressure vessel repair, and mining.
Many welding applications require preheat, which minimizes the temperature difference between the arc and the base material. Preheating slows the weld cooling rate and lowers hydrogen — two factors that help reduce the risk of cracking and the potential for a failed weld. Some benefits of welding preheat treating systems include:
- Preheat-Post Heat-Stress Relief
- Ease of Installation.
- Complete safety of personnel and equipment.
- Dependable, closely controlled heating with all the economies of the electrical resistance method.
- Adaptability to jobs of any size or configuration.
- Heating of sections of any thickness from 1/2 inch to 7 inches.
- Long service life and complete re-usability.
- Total application engineering service.
When welding some base materials and for some service conditions, preheating and/or post-weld heat treatment may be a requirement. These types of thermal treatments are generally required to ensure suitable weld integrity and will typically prevent or remove undesirable characteristics in the completed weld.